About me
I was born in Curanilahue, Biobío Region, Chile. I am a nature lover and passionate about the study of fungi, with a deep vocation for teaching. I am a Professor of Natural Sciences and Biology; Biologist with mention in Biodiversity and Biological Conservation and; Master in Forestry Sciences graduated from the University of Concepción.
For the last 10 years I have been dedicated to understanding and helping the conservation of fungi associated with native ecosystems. So far, my research has focused on Edible Wild Fungi (HSC) in the forests of southern Chile and combines field work, laboratory and transfer of knowledge and experience on the great importance of the Fungi Kingdom.
I work in Lemu Rehue, I am founder of the NGO Micófilos and curator of the MICOCL Fungarium. Currently, I collaborate with several foundations, I am part of the Young Agents of Change Chile program of the Ashoka Foundation and I participate in the project “Macroscopic fungi and lichens present in Chile”, in the Strategy for Strengthening Biological Collections and in the Classification of Species according to its Conservation Status from the Division of Natural Resources and Biodiversity of the Ministry of Environment. A year ago, I was awarded a grant from the Rufford Foundation to research and help conserve Chilean macrofungi, with a project titled “Knowledge of biodiversity for environmental education and the conservation of macrofungi present in the Nahuelbuta mountain range”, a very special place for me.
In 2019 I received recognition for promoting research and development of Mycology in Chile, during the I Chilean Meeting of Mycology (I ECHM), held at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile. I am the author of the digital book “Manual of Basic Mycology” (2016) which has more than 70,000 readings in R.G., co-author of the book "Hongusto: Social innovation around wild and cultivated edible mushrooms in Aysén” (2017) and the “Photographic guide to the most striking macrofungi present in Chile” (2021). Also in 2020, I published the digital version of the "Field Guide: Edible Wild Mushrooms Native to Chile" which has been published in printed format by Ediciones Libro Verde as "Edible Wild Mushrooms Native to Chile: Recognition, sustainable harvesting and recipes"(2022). The illustrated guide was published in 2023"Mushrooms from central Chile" and 2024 “Edible wild fungi of the Andean-Patagonian forests” of which I´m co-author. Finally, I have collaborated in chapters of national and international books, popular science articles and in several publications focused on the Fungi kingdom.